It’s been a few years since I last did a Holiday Pop Up, but this one seemed too good to pass up. I’ll be there with some of my tapestries and a LOT of new woven jewelry that will be available for the first time here! If that doesn’t tempt you, you’ll also be able to visit the studios and get handmade gifts by :
Lisa Congdon / @lisacongdon
Modern Macramé / @modernmacrame
Pigeon Toe / @pigeon_toe
Paper Epiphanies / @paperepiphanies
Combed Thunder / @combedthunder
Make & Mary™ / @themakeandmary
WeMake / @wemakepdx
apotspot / @apotspot
LR Design Co / @lrdesignco
Man Top Bakery / @mtn_top_living
Rendered Co /
Red Desert Rose / @red_desert_rose_pdx
Parker Simonne Designs / @parkersimonnedesigns
High Society Collection / @highsocietycollection
Industrial Row Holiday Pop Up
Dec. 15th from 10am-4pm
In the Old Mill district off of N Tillamook Street & Interstate Avenue
Featuring locally made goods from some of Portland’s favorite makers!